Encouraging others to develop a love for blessing others.

Blessed Karma’s Focus

The purpose of the Blessed Karma collection is to serve as a daily reminder that “Your Karma Will Always Be Blessed When You Are A Blessing”. The goal of the co-founders is to spread their love of blessing others with the world.

The Blessed Karma Story

Blessed Karma was co-founded by a dynamic duo David and Alysia Leyva in 2020. Throughout their lives people have blessed David and Alysia. As a result they are always seeking opportunities to serve as a blessing to others. They believe that blessings can come in different shapes and sizes. When one person is blessed this energy transfers to other people and this keeps the cycle going.


  • Love

  • Community

  • Peace

  • Generosity

Get to Know the Co-Founders of Blessed Karma

Alysia Leyva

David Leyva

BLESSED KARMA means to me - Everything that you do, everything that you touch, anyone you come across, let it a be with pure, genuine intentions. Everything that is done in the dark will come to the light. It also means living life and doing things the right way because karma will always pay you a visit whether it’s good, bad or BLESSED.

  • Favorite Color – Skyblue

  • Fun Facts – He loves basketball.

  • Favorite Song – Too many to choose from.

  • Quote to live by – Never Give Up

“Everything that you do, everything that you touch, anyone you come across, let it a be with pure, genuine intentions. Everything that is done in the dark will come to the light. It also means living life and doing things the right way because karma will always pay you a visit whether it’s good, bad or BLESSED.”

My favorite color is black and I love to read. I have a bookclub with over 2000 members. I’m obsessed with crime shows, I almost majored in criminal justice. My favorite song is Take Off Your Cool” by Outkast, Norah Jones. I collect vinyl records and love Reese’s PBC. Favorite quote: How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours. Blessed Karma is giving love and light to the world at all times. Can you imagine how different life would be if everyone lived that way?

  • Favorite Color - Black

  • Fun Facts - She loves to read and has a book club with over 200 members. She is obsessed with crime shows.

  • Favorite Song - Take Off Your Cool by Outkast and Norah Jones

  • Favorite Quote - “How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours!”

“Blessed Karma is giving love and light to the world at all times Can you imagine how different life would be if everyone lived that way?” - Alysia Leyva

“Your Karma Will Always Be Blessed When You Are A Blessing.”